After bouncing around multiple schools in Houston’s complicated education system, 12-year-old Shayne* needs your help. I’m writing to you today in hopes that you will give $40 to provide this student with one day of life-changing experiences.
Let me tell you more about Shayne and how your gift can make such a huge difference for him.
Shayne was enrolled in a local public school that has struggled to demonstrate student progress for many years. His parents tried to help by enrolling him in a popular charter campus closer to home, but it was shut down after his second year there—only two weeks before the school year was set to begin!
Shayne’s parents scrambled to enroll him in a new school, but their options were very limited by the last-minute timing. He wound up in another school that has consistently failed to help its students grow academically. Exhausted by the mad scramble and the stress of starting at yet another school, Shayne’s parents made the difficult decision to keep him enrolled in this underperforming campus for several years.
Eventually, they grew more and more concerned with the quality of Shayne’s education. Shayne lives with dyslexia, and the school was struggling to provide basic services. His teachers grew frustrated and told Shayne (as his mother remembers it) to either get on the train or get left behind. In Shayne’s own words, “they cussed me out.”
Shayne shut down. He began disengaging from school and begged his parents to send him somewhere else.
At this crucial time, Shayne needs a school that supports and cares for him. You can provide that and so much more.
Shayne’s story may sound unbelievable, but it is far more typical than many realize. Too many students fall through the cracks of our education system. Without a life-changing experience, many of these students will never recover.
But you can provide one day of life-changing experiences for only $40!
Your gift can be the first step towards a brighter future for Shayne and so many students like him who have been beaten down in school. Students Shayne’s age should be excited about reading their favorite books or playing sports, not worrying about whether their teacher will tear them down. At a time when students should be getting excited about high school and pressing into their education, Shayne was instead feeling anxious about school and pulling away.
This doesn’t have to be Shayne’s future. Currently, Shayne is still adjusting to his first year at Yellowstone, and YOU have an opportunity to show him that school can be different from what he’s experienced before.
Your donation can help Shayne find a loving school family at Yellowstone where he is supported and cared for as a child of God. His parents can trust that he is safe and that his needs are being met.
Yes, your gift can do all of this!
You can help Shayne and so many other students receive a life-changing education, rooted in faith, after years of experiencing an uncaring system. What a gift you can give!
*To help protect Shayne’s privacy, we have changed his name. Shayne and his parents have agreed to let us share his story with you.