For the week of April 6, we are moving our Food Distribution to Monday from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. You will be able to pick up a box with five days’ worth of meals, a gallon of milk, and a special Easter treat. The meals will be available at our campus or at one of our bus stops. The list of routes is the same as last week.
Closure extended to May 1 and important updates
To comply with the Governor’s orders today, Yellowstone will remain closed through Friday, May 1. We are currently planning to re-open on May 4th, and we will reevaluate closer to that date based on continued communication with state and local officials. In the meantime, we are fully committed to our ongoing remote learning initiatives.
Remote Learning Launches Today!
Monday greetings from Yellowstone! Today marks the first day of the “official launch” of our remote learning. Read on for important information and updates.